Tuesday, April 13, 2010


First day of yoga class - ha! I should probably mention that I haven't actually done any real yoga since the late 90's. Obviously it's been a while. The teacher was very nice and helpful. I placed my mat in the middle, trying to stay out of the way of others that already had their mats placed but still in a spot that I could see. Of course some dude got in front of me but I guess that's what I get for not getting right in the front of the class. If you've never done any yoga I should mention that it's basically lots of stretching with weird names and very deep breathing. I enjoy it but I can understand how some people may think it's an odd thing to want to spend your free time doing. I am proud to say that I only had to have my pose corrected a few times. I am not proud to say that I am nowhere near as flexible as I once was. The instructor says "bend from your hip and touch your forehead to your knee if it is comfortable". Yeah, right. I'm can semi bend from the hip and it's not comfortable at all. Then she mentions that you can "probably" feel a stretch in the hamstring. Probably my ass! I felt the stretch all over. Muscles I didn't even know existed were stretching. That's the whole point of yoga though. My other issue is that I'm so busy attempting to stretch and position myself I'll forget to breathe. Of course then the instructor actually says to breathe and I realize I'm holding my breath as I attempt to eek another centimeter into the stretch so I don't look as un-bendy as I apparently am. Overall it was lots of fun and I'm sure I'll be back! I'm also sure I'll be falling over at some point so I'll be sure to mention that in my blog when it happens.