Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dating? sucks. I do enjoy it but the basic fact it, it just sucks. I am far too blunt for this dating bullshit. I enjoy meeting new people and hanging out but the truth is, men think they want a woman who speaks her mind. Then they meet me. All of a sudden - gasp - here's a girl who has an opinion! A girl who won't sit quietly and just let the guy do the talking! What's a guy to do? Well, I'll tell you what he won't do. Take her out more than a few times, that's what. I can't help but share my opinion. I'm just honest and if you ask me a question you're going to get an honest answer. I love to hear others opinions as well and I love to debate (not argue) over different things. However, if you feel that you are the only one that is right or if you feel that you always have to be right then we are probably never going to work out. I also have issues with guys that think I owe them something because they paid for a few meals. Umm. No. I do not owe you sex because you bought me some cheap meal. Can you at least pretend to be interested in my life before groping me under the table? Women aren't that hard to understand. Just pretend to listen to us, don't grope us until a decent amount of time and act like you're really interested. I promise, that's all. Sheesh.

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