Sunday, March 7, 2010

Retail Therapy and the gym

Finally, after the worst winter I have ever experienced the temperature reached somewhere in the 60s. Normally for me that isn't warm at all but considering the snow, ice and never-ending sleet that's a freaking heat wave. So, I did what every one else in the state of Oklahoma did. I got out of the house. Ironically, I got out of the house just to drive to the City (Oklahoma City) to go inside the mall to go shopping. Well, mostly window shopping. It was like Christmas at the mall. I am guessing I wasn't the only person who was dying to get out of the house.
Unfortunately, warmer weather means less clothes. This means I'm really going to have to lose some weight. I'm still hoping that just picturing myself at the gym will actually cause me to automatically tone up. So far this plan is not working. I did buy myself a trainer for Valentine's day. Yes, I know how pathetic that sounds. No one else buys me anything and no one is ever going to love me as much as I love me so I always buy myself a little something special around the day of commercial love. Ugh. It would have been highly entertaining if I had started this during the month I had been paying for torture three times a week. I often wondered if this meant if I was secretly into s&m but I decided against that since I did not enjoy my sessions with my torture man. I do like the way my butt looks after all this though. I am not motivated to go to the gym unless I am paying someone to meet me there and force me to work out though. I am not sure what this says about me. I guess since I do not want my butt to begin drooping and I do not want my "muffin top" to get any bigger I will have to begin making regular trips to the gym. I will also probably continue doing some of those weirdo moves I learned with my trainer. I should also mention that I refer to my muffin top as a "doughnut roll" (hey - we're not fooling anyone) and I've named it Alice. I don't know why. It's possible because I don't really like the name Alice and I would never name a child that so it's acceptable to call my fat roll by that name.
Well, enough babbling for now on that subject. Can't wait to start yoga next week and talk about how that goes.

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