Friday, March 26, 2010


I just got back from a Vegas trip. I had a lot of fun but as usual I have a few gripes about other people. I feel there are a few things that should be in an etiquette book for people traveling to other places that they are unaware of.
1. If you are unsure of where you are going in an airport do not stop walking in the middle of the aisle to check your bags for your flight number. There are probably people behind you that you have caused to come to a screeching halt because you are too inconsiderate to move to the side before dropping everything and checking your bags.
2. If you are eating in an airport restaurant there is a good chance you will not get to eat with your 10+ family members. Pulling the tables together does not help and in fact blocks the way for the other patrons. Unless you are dining with small children you should split your party up. Airport dining is not the time for a family reunion.
3. If you are riding on a motorized scooter, use a wheelchair, walker, cane, or have a handicap sticker on your car please do not walk in the middle of the walkway. Especially if you weigh 350+ pounds. You are taking up most of the hall and you move very slowly. This is annoying. Move to the side to make room for those of us that still have full use of our appendages or that actually go to a gym.
4. If you do not check in to the plane on time and you are traveling with 20 people there's a good chance you won't be sitting together on a plane with unassigned seats. I would again like to thank the family that delayed my flight for over an hour while rearranging all the passengers so they could sit together. I'm sure the flight attendants wouldn't have made people volunteer to get up and move but this family of 20 included 10 children that needed an adult to sit beside them. The best part was when the attendant announced overhead, "We're not moving until we get some volunteers to give up their seats!" Nice.
5. When picking up luggage at the airport you should probably know that it goes in a circle. If you miss it the first time it will come back. There's no need to push and shove in an attempt to get to the front of the line.
6. Speaking of the baggage claim please just send one person from your family to pick up your luggage. There was a family of 3 waiting to pick up one suitcase. I was impressed that they were able to get all the clothes in one suitcase but annoyed that the little boy was allowed to sit up front and in the way of others picking up their luggage. Seriously? Move it!
7. As I've mentioned before I do not have children but I don't understand why they are in Vegas. I don't see how this is fun for the kids or the parents. There's nothing to do for the kids in a place like Vegas and the parents have to keep up with the kids the entire time and can't enjoy themselves while they are in Vegas. I just don't get it.

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