Saturday, March 13, 2010

Loud kids

I do not have kids. I do not know how to raise kids. I have never professed to know the first thing about raising kids. I do, however, know about respect and when it is lacking. Last week I was fortunate enough to witness what the world is coming to. There was a mother (I'm presuming) with her child. The child was approximately eight years old. The mother was walking down the hall at the hospital (a public place for those that are missing that) with the child next to her. The child was yelling at the top of her lungs, "You are so stupid! I can't believe I'm missing school for a stupid doctor's appointment! I hate you so much! You are a big, stupid idiot!"
Okay, so I'm no expert. I'm not even a parent. First of all, why on earth does a child get to scream like that in a public place if the child is not being harmed, kidnapped, or is older than 3? Second, why does a child have the right to call an adult, especially her parent (once again, guessing on the relationship) stupid, an idiot, and yell at them? Last, but not least, why does this kid get to run the show? The only thing that this screaming fit had that was encouraging at all is that the kid wanted to be in school.
I don't know what I would do. Well, I do know what I would do. Hey, this is my blog so I'll just say it. I would never have allowed it to get that far in the first place. Kids are NOT supposed to be running the show. They are children. They are supposed to have limitations and they are supposed to be expected to follow rules that the grown up parents set for them. My mother would have beaten me within an inch of my life if I had even thought about acting like that in a public place. I really don't think it's any wonder we've got people expecting the government to bail them out from all their problems because it's what's happened to them their entire lives. No one has told them that they have to grow up and act like adults. No one has ever told them "no". Everyone has said that it's okay to kick, scream and act like an imbecile because that's how you get things done. I'm concerned because this entire generation of children are the future's lawyers, doctors, and congressmen. One day when I am old and grey these brats that have had everything handed to them are going to be the ones taking care of my medical needs, drawing up the paperwork for my last will and testament and will be asking me for my vote.

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