Thursday, March 4, 2010

New to Blogging

Blogging.......hmmmmm. I'm not sure what I think about this. It's like a way to rant and rave but have people that are really bored read about it. I suppose some of these rants and raves will have to be edited to protect the innocent. Or as the case may be - not so innocent. Of course it's all on your point of view and since it's my blog I guess I'm right.
So, some person approaches me at work and tells me that they want my job because it looks easy. Either I'm not working hard enough or this person is an idiot. I'm going with the idiot part. Once again, my point of view. And what on earth prompts you to have the balls to tell someone that? I make decisions on a daily basis that this person cannot even comprehend. Not to mention that I know from someone that once worked with her that she is not the brightest person out there. I try to have a good attitude and be in a good mood which is a major change from my previous job but seriously - to think that I'm not working?
Here's my next gripe of the night. Please, please don't drink and drive. If you want to sit at home and be an alcoholic I don't care. If you want to drink in public and act like an idiot I don't care. However, once you get behind the wheel of a car you have endangered me and my friends and family. I will still treat you exactly the same but inside I am so mad at you for putting my life in danger.
Well, this blogging may be therapeutic after all. I certainly feel better. Night all.

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